
...yes, just a little over nine months of being submerged in the Simplegreen and I finally rescued my old dreadnought from its chemical grave. For those that don't recall (and that would be all of you), this is what I like to call the original resin dreadnought. For a recap of its history, click here.

Much better!
All ready for some plastic legs!

Originally, I had intended to clean this old dread up to join the ranks of my budding (now long-since-gone bust) Black Dragons army. However like so many things intended to serve the Imperium, the Alpha Legion stole, or rather is going to steal it.

Sure, sure, 30k's got all kinds of them new-fangled (but still supposedly ancient) alternate dreadnought types, but yes the plain old, standard issue Mk IV dreadnought that's in every marine army does have stats in 30k as well. And unlike Kushial who has TWENTY!?!?! dreadnoughts (seriously, WTF man?), this old wreck is the only one that I have.