So I got my game in against Tom and his drop marines with guard.

The initial first turn I got hit hard and lost 2kps and first blood, fortunately I had a few units hurt but still above half strength.

After taking the hit, my reserves did not want to arrive leaving me in a very weak position, open to being tabled.

It was now time to do what I do best, position units, ambush and plan for future by turn two I was planning for four, where I needed units, where I needed fire power, and escape routes to minimise damage

This kind of play has been built in to me since 4th edition. And when things are going wrong for tau you need to play this way.

After using terrain to block incoming fire, and carving myself and escape route I continued to shift around escaping the worse hit flank, and with to. Pushing so far forward he left 4 chimera in the back field alone, a deepstriking unit on crisis suites with twin fusion dropped behind the lines and over 4 turns took out each chimera and gained line breaker.

As for the main army using the ethereal and support fire to protect myself, the commander and riptide went to town on picking apart drop pods, tactical squads and everything else backed up with 29 carbine fee warriors I won the flank I was escaping with, pulling from 4-1 down to 13-7 up by the end of turn 5( I went second) and at this point Tom threw I. The towel.

The list I ran was no where near perfect, but I got a great feel for everything.

Mvp's were the fusion crisis team, riptide (who was unwounded) and the commander ( also unwounded)