
I was really tempted to use some Angry Marine helms for these guys but I refrained...

Yes, yes...as usual I'm always buying moar. I got lucky on eBay and found a squad of 10 assault intercessors way back when 9th dropped getting them for what 5 were selling for just a week later. More recently I bought 5 Palanite Enforcers to use as scouts. I don't think I'm going to use the WB/BS of 4+ for my Drakes as I did in Kill Team. Sadly 40k, even locally is too uber competitive anymore for such amusements.

The one with the gun raised doesn't actually have a shotgun, but will treat it as such. Maybe its a breach loader or the like...

With these additions I now have about a 1k army which is as big as I think it'll get. Hell, it's not like I ever have time to play. Indeed even painting time is getting hard to come by these days. But I'll get them done...someday.

Here they all are, and like most of my armies they're in desperate need of that elusive substance:  paint.