
All of this post's photos are straight from the eBay listings as they've yet to arrive. 

About a week or two ago Screech commented 'you're all about 15mm gaming here lately, so how about Team Yankee?' He was referencing my recently acquired caves (which are great for 15mm gaming yet totally useless in TY). I'd looked thru the rules some years back, but nobody I knew of locally was interested in the game so I shelved the rulebook. Not sure where I shelved it as of yet, but I'll find it eventually, my house is fairly small so there aren't too many places for it to hide. 

I'll have to add a decal to one Abrams tanks to mark it out as my army CO's tank.

There's a new, 'old school' FLGS that opened recently, and Team Yankee is one of the games they're looking to build a following for. However as you may have noticed by my lack of recent posting, I've been fairly busy with real life and haven't had much time for hobbying. Thus adding another army to my unpainted pile of shame isn't high on my list of things to do. 

As such I found a 98pt, fully (and nicely) painted American army on eBay for the approximate original retail cost and bought it. Whilst that doesn't help the FLGS any, if I like the game this will (1) only be the beginning and (2) I still need the unit cards, army book, templates, etc.. 

I'm hoping I can match these paint jobs when/if I acquire further units. 

Currently it's a small, uber elite min/max army which you all know isn't my style. So as I add units later on I can 'dumb' my troops down into something more to my liking (ie.: exchanging M1A1's for older M1's and the like). 

My army consists of the following:

M1A1 Combat Team:

(x1) M1A1HC Holy Christ! 'Heavy Common' (up-armored) HQ tank

(x2) platoons of (2) M1A1 Abrams each

(x1) platoon of (2) M1 Abrams (the older, 105MM gun toting variety)

Support Unit:

(x1) MLRS270 Support battery of (2) vehicles

So notta whole lot, but enough to get me going. Currently my army is traversing the wilds of pandemic stricken America via pack mule it seems, so don't look for any bat reps just yet. Speaking of, I also need to actually visit said new FLGS. To date I haven't as it's a mere 5 minutes from my GF's home, and curiously that proximity is distracting me from visiting the store itself. 

Now, off to find that rulebook...