
Redressed in plasticard and spare bitz.

I recently bought a 3D printed M577 for Team Yankee off of ebay. The auction picture looked decent, just needing a bit of structure trimming, but otherwise not too bad. Here check it out:

$7.00, sure why not. 

However, as you can see from the first pic (and those below)  the tank I received was pretty rough. I had to prime it to even see what I was dealing with as it's really hard to tell in all white. After which...uh yeah. Oh well it was cheap and so I got cheap, as I was tired of being outbid on OOP Flames of War M577s. 


even more eww...

okay that's...decent...I guess. Not too fond of the flaps over the tracks, but the tracks themselves were hideous and in the end
this is tiny so...

I won't buy from this seller again, but this will work for an objective at least. Measuring in at 1"x1"x2", it's visually not so bad in person. Certainly not as hideous as it looks blown up all nice and big on here. Am hoping it'll paint up fine, though will have to go really light on the dry brushing so as not to pick up too many print lines (actually am thinking I might hide some of the multitude of imperfections under camo netting). 

Edit: When leaving feedback I saw that there was another complaint about the mediocre print quality on this same model about 6 months ago.