
Target acquired...

With my 500pt. Smurf army clocking in at a whopping 18 models, it is now just shy of being 25% painted. True...that means I have a mere four models completed, but let's face it: I'm notorious for my short attention span when it comes to painting. So I'll boost my numbers anyway that I can.  

Here they are seen on a sweep and clear mission, somewhere in a suburban sprawl of the Appalachian Subsector. 

Their camo actually blends rather well with the concrete!

Aww fuck, what'd that guy on the right do, tackle a Salamander?

Looking at the third photo I saw  some unwanted green paint smeared on the pack of that right most marine. Oh well, twas' but a quick fix and once again all four are now complete. I've assembled an intercessor with an AGL and have started painting both it, the squad's last grunt as well as my Assault Intercessor Sergeant.
