By my order as an agent of the Holy Inquisition and in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind: Kill them. Kill them all!

Eight minis painted, which in a combat patrol consisting of a mere seventeen models is a pretty good chunk. Ironically however, in order to fit in the Inquisitor, my list consists of three squads of five marines each (intercessors, assault intercessors and hellblasters respectively) Thus, one of the above painted intercessors gets to remain in the mini case for the time being. 

Forethought and planning, for the win

I loathe what that set of AGL arms cost me, suffice to say it was almost as much as the rest of the marine that's holding them! 

This was my first application of an assault marine decal in a very, very long time!

Rather than finish out the last intercessor, I ought to have painted a single hellblaster so that each squad would have at least one painted mini. Oh well, I'll get back to these guys eventually and rectify that. 

I'm really pleased with how this guy in particular came out!

Overall I like the way that this little project has progressed thus far. The dirty, urban/mountain camo looks good I think and certainly presents a rather different visage for these Ultramarines (as opposed to the usual blue tide). 


Next up in the paint/assembly queue will be some Bolt Action followed thereafter by my most recent Eldar Corsair and Exodite acquisitions.