These guys are my newest squad of Deathwatch Veterans. 

As you can see they are led by a Black Templars Veteran Sergeant.  I don't have (to my immediate knowledge) any books with a Black Templars name generator in it. So I looked online and found one at Realm Of Plastic. It's a handy site for this task, and after only the second attempt, I got a name that I liked: Greco Chroneth. 

I got this guy from Cheef, who got a batch of Black Templars from a trade.  I wasn't sure what to do with them until last summer when I started on this Deathwatch project. After some clean up I had this guy prepped. But I didn't have a squad for him to go into. Until exploring the army options a bit more thoroughly led me to the epiphany that heavy bolter spam was an option. And who better to lead these guys than a guy with a big sword?

Brother Sergeant Chroneth. 

The rest of these guys are nameless, but I did try to make them a bit unique from one another. This guy has one of the heads from the Venerable Dreadnought kit. 

Both of the belt feed heavy bolter gunners have their right shoulder pauldron incorporated into the model so I was unable to use a custom one for them. I haven't decided yet what chapter these two will have originated from. 

Also, if I get more heavy bolters from the bitz stores, it probably won't be this version. It's a real pain in the rear assembling them! The next two models have heavy bolters that came from the Sternguard kit and they are much more easier to deal with. 

I used metal shoulder pads on these two. One will be a Crimson Fist while the other one will be an Imperial Fist marine.

You might have noticed the Tau helms on their bases. These are completely inspired by the recent project that Da Masta Cheef has been working on. Clearly, there is likely to be a match-up in our future... 

Hopefully the next time you see these guys they will have paint on them. And, hopefully, they'll actually look good also!