Here is another BMQ era drawing that has never been seen by the public before now. We had the idea that the abhumans should look like the Imperial Guard regiments that they serve with. At the time of this drawing (at the closing days of Warhammer 40,000's second edition) the newest IG regiment were the Praetorian Guard. We were working on an Ornsworld PDF list and we wanted to also show Ratlings from other regiments. A Ratling Praetorian seemed like an awesome concept so I tinkered a bit in my sketchbook until I arrived at this finished piece. 

An obligatory Thunderbolt Fighter was added to the background as well as a few puffs of flak. I totally see Ratlings as being a scout role, no matter how red their uniforms are! 

Anyway I hope one day to see this guy realized in 3-D. The way the hobby is going with 3-D printing spreading throughout it, I can see some one whipping up files of guys like this in the not so distant future. I can hope, right?