Welcome to page 3. 

This page transitions from the Captain considering her kid and his future and back to the event at hand. 

The middle panel was repurposed from a prior piece. In fact it was inked specifically for this project. That piece was reduced to fit onto the page with lettering pasted up over it. I had fun trying to figure out what the bridge looked like when I did the original pencil drawing back in '93 and again when I started this project in '97. I wrote the first two pages to work with the middle panel. The ratling Colonel serving tea was the narrator on page one. For reasons I can only sum up to my youth as a writer, his narrative perspective changes back to the Captain's on page two and changes again towards the end of the story. 

The troops in the last panel are completely inspired by Jes Goodwin's designs from the Battleflert Gothic preview from White Dwarf #119. They were fun to draw and you'll get to see them in action in a page or two. It's a shame miniatures of these guys were never released. 

This artwork is unofficial and not endorsed by Games-Workshop. Furthermore this blog and this post generates no revenue for it's owner and is strictly used for, and as, a free entertainment resource in support of games by, but again not official or endorsed, by Games-Workshop.