It took me a bit of time to get back to these guys. After finishing their squad Sergeant, Crull, in Part 1 I was distracted by a few other Deathwatch Units. But now we're back to these chaps and getting them finished up. And with a little bit of focus, I have successfully completed this squad. Hooray! 

The last four members are done.

This is the guy with the stalker pattern boltgun. He hails from the Ravenguard. These stalker pattern boltguns must go through ammo quickly, since they only make a model whose in a state of reloading the thing. 
"Time to reload. Again. "

This is one of the powersword guys. I like this model's pose a lot. But damn do I hate painting the Imperial Fist chapter shoulder pads! I could elucidate more on this but this blog post would just spiral into a rage filled rant about how many flicking times I had to repaint it! 

Imperial Fist power sword guy.

This is the fella with the the infernus heavy bolter. He was a lot of fun to paint actually. I once painted a Salamander character for a friend a few years before I started this blog, so I already had the colors on hand. Not that many were required for just a rim on a shoulder pad, but still...

Internus goes whoosh!

And here is the figure,  an Iron Hands guy with a power sword. 

Iron hands guy with a power sword.

And here they are rejoined with their Sergeant, Sgt. Crull. Hopefully they will make it onto a tabletop in the not so distant future. Assuming I can ever find a sitter for Saturday nights, otherwise I am watching vicariously from the blog rolls...

"Onward to the xenos purge! What? We have kids to watch?! *sigh* Well, we live to serve..."