
Much like Neverness, Westrider and no doubt others, I too worked on other projects and minis amidst working on Dreadtober project of Commander Firestorm. 

One cargo is toxic and the other is radioactive, it'd be best to just pass these two containers by...

Most noticeably were the second and third of the 3D printed munitorum containers that provided a backdrop to Firestorm throughout the month. These two along with the much earlier painted Smurf container are all from the same set. 

Apparently Smurfs are radioactive too!

I also have a bunch of ammo crates and barrels that came with these three that I've yet to do anything with. I also painted up a pair of Star Schlock Astro-Guard, one as an Inquisitorial acolyte and the other...

The Lavender armor matches my still half painted Ordo Hereticus Razorback. Note the one on the left whose face and purpose are both shrouded in darkness. The lower half of her face looks more feminine than masculine (not that you can tell in this pic) which is why I'm referring to her as a female.

Iggy backpacks work well with these minis. The canteen in the other pic above covers up a missing strap from the sculpt's combat webbing. 

I'm not quite sure what I'll do with the one with the sword. She could be an acolyte, Mistress of Ordinance/of the Fleet, or possibly an Inquisitor in her own right.

Possibly a radical Inquisitor escorted by some Men of Iron dating back to the Dark Age of Technology perhaps? 

Oh sure they look harmless enough, almost 'cute' even. However if they were fielded as 'counts as' Spindle Drones...

The robots are from Zombiesmith.com and were purchased along with some more 15mm Quar. I was thinking of using them as unaligned spindle drones, albeit 3 for the price of 4 (not that 65 points evenly divides by 3 or 4 models in any case). 

So there you have it! These, along with Commander Firestorm total out my total painted minis for the month of October.