The Deployment Zone's Black Spiral Campaign 
Chapter 2: Treachery!

Hello and welcome everyone to Chapter 2 of the Black Spiral Campaign.  I would like to thank everyone for the 32 submissions we received which has triggered this plot development.  Enjoy and the next set of missions will be available October 4th.

Inquisitor Hexx:
Access Inquisitorial Log: Hexx 6-14-638.882 Sigma Centari
Passcode: Epsilon Delta 8 3 2 Phi 9 2 4 Gamma

Servitor Program:
[Initiate Retinal Scan]
[Welcome Inquisitor]

Inquisitor Hexx:
Inquisitorial Journal Entry for Leviticus Hexx of Ordo Maleus
Imperial Date is the 7th day of the 8th Lunar Cycle of the Charon system, in the year M41.638
Acolyte Garroth Malek failed to retrieve the xenos archeotech upon the surface of XC-9.  Upon arrival on planet's surface, the residents had been alerted to intruders and inflicted heavy casualties upon Malek's forces.  Malek had been unable to penetrate the perimeter of the compound and as a result had to withdraw.  Acolyte Malek's faith in the will of the Emperor has shown signs of wavering these past few weeks, perhaps a visit to the purification chambers would renew his faith.  His absolute failure is evidence of this fact.

Computer - schedule Acoylte Gareth Malek a security clearance downgrade to Beta and 72 hours of purification at the hands of  Xander.  Acolyte Gareth Malek is to be contained within his hab cell until he is moved to his scheduled purifcation.

Acolyte Princepia was able to note a small group leaving the scene as our forces arrived.  She pursued the group which consisted of at least 40 heavily armed men and she saw they were dragging a very large object on multiple hoverpads.   Acolyte Princepia dispatched a sentry that wore the uniform of one of Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc vanguard.  The armed force then moved the object, which by her estimates was 11 meters long and weighed several tons, on to a waiting shuttle that took off into the night sky.

Has Inquisitor DeOrc betrayed me?  Why were his men on the scene and what did they recover from the compound?  Was the large object part of the Black Spiral that I seek?  By seeking council with DeOrc have I been betrayed by another's agenda?  I must know what has transpired.  I will get answers one way or another. 

Time to set a trap.

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx signing off.
The Emperor Protects.


Inquisitor Hexx:
Access Inquisitorial Security Network: Hexx 6-14-638.882 Sigma Centari
Passcode:  Zeta Rho 5 6 9 Kappa 2
Voice Recognition: The Emperor Protects
Servitor Program:
[Initiate Retinal Scan]
[Welcome Inquisitor]

Inquisitor Hexx:
Computer, Initiate Dispatch to Inquisitor DeOrc, Calixian Conclave – Ordo Xenos – Inquisitorial Identification Code: Sigma Kappa 3 3 2 Delta Delta 9 Kappa.

Initiating Missive:


I have recently unearthed what could be a very powerful xenos archeotech upon the surface of XC-9 and I am unable to decipher what it's purpose is or how dangerous it is.  I am petitioning your assistance in this matter as you are the resident and leading expert on Xenos technology.  The entire item is covered and inscribed with the sick and demented language of the Eldar. 

if we could meet somewhere, I could bring the artifact with me and you could examine it there.  I am desperate to ensure the safety of the residents of this star system.

In the Emperor’s Name we Trust.
Inquisitor Hexx

Inquisitor Hexx:
Send Dispatch
Close Security Portal


Inquisitor Hexx:
Access Inquisitorial Log: Hexx 6-14-638.882 Sigma Centari
Passcode: Epsilon Delta 8 3 2 Phi 9 2 4 Gamma

Servitor Program:
[Initiate Retinal Scan]
[Welcome Inquisitor]

Inquisitor Hexx:
Inquisitorial Journal Entry for Leviticus Hexx of Ordo Maleus
Imperial Date is the 16th day of the 8th Lunar Cycle of the Charon system, in the year M41.638
Inquisitor Deorc has responded to my request and has "graciously" agreed to meet with me to examine the artifact we discussed.  Our conversation leads me to believe that he does not suspect that he is aware that I know of his treachery.  We shall meet on the surface of planet XC-9 this time two days from now.

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx signing off.
The Emperor Protects.


[Initializing Pictograph -1130A.15DD.79991-]
[Error Initializing PIctograph - Video corrupted]
[Initializing Audio from Pictograph -1130A.15DD.79991-]
[Initializing Audio to Tele-transcription conversion protocols, Pictograph corruption detected]
[Tele-transcription Initialized]

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx: Menoch, it is good to see you Inquisitor.  Thank you for agreeing to meet with me with such haste.

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc: You are most welcome Leviticus but your missive was most troubling, where is this xenotech you spoke of in your missive?

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx: It's here and we'll get to it in a moment, I wanted to ask you a few things before we got started my dear friend.  Things that have been most troubling to me that I think you may be able to provide answers to.

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc: Absolutely my friend, what do you need to know?

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  Good, this is good we are forging a stronger bond already!  Too often than I would care to admit, Inquisitors double cross each other in pursuit of their own agendas and I'm glad that we have a relationship that does not lend to such cut-throat behavior.  That said, I had sent you a missive concerning a xenos artefact several months ago upon the surface of XC-9.  Do you remember that missive?

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc: Of course I do Leviticus, that is why I assumed you reached out to me again.  You appear to have found what you were looking for on the surface of XC-9 no?
Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx: Actually Menoch, no. But I believe you did.

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc: What are you talking about Menoch? 

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  Come now Menoch, do you actually expect me to believe you did not send one of your shock troop regiments down to the surface of XC-9 and that you did not recover an arte[cccchkkkzzzzzaaaaazzzzzzzzz] *data corruption* [ccchuuuuueeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk] was 11 meters long and load it upon your ship and on the very night I had my raid planned?

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc:  Leviticus you must be mista..

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  Do not lie to me DeOrc!  You sent a covert foray and stole the artefact before I could even get there leaving my men to be butchered like swine when they attempted to infiltrate!

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc:  Leviticus, let me explain.  The artifact you seek is too dangerous, your Interrogator Vallon showed me the text you were stud...Leviticus put that gun away you dare draw a weapon upon another agent of the Throne?

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc of the Ordo Xenos, I find you guilty of heresy against the Throne.  You have transpired against another Inquisitor to prevent the salvation of the Imperium.  For that reason I declare you...

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc:  Have you lost your mind?  There is no heresy there.  I am acting on orders above our station to bring in this xenotech and protect others like yourse....

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  ... Heretic.  You will now burn for your crimes against the Imperium.

[shouting from multiple unidentified sources]

Inquisitor Menoch DeOrc:  You have lost your mind, I am no heretic you fool!  You are pursuing something that you do not understand.  The Conclave bid me to retrieve the weapon before it fell into the wrong hands.  Order your men to stand down!
I repeat, order your men to stand down Leviti...

Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx:  Do not say my name HERETIC!  OPEN FIRE!


MissionScenario A – The Firefight

 The Armies:
A points value of 1,500 to 2,000 points per side is recommended for this mission.

The Battlefield:
The Firefight will use the Vanguard Strike deployment.
Before  deploying their forces, players should first roll for their Warlord Traits.  Once the Warlord Traits have been determined, the players will roll off to determine who is The Attacker and the Defender.  Both players will then roll off the winner choosing which side they wish to deploy in.  The Defender will then deploy their forces first followed by the Attacker after. 

First Turn:
The Attacker goes first unless the Defender spots them coming and can Seize the Initiative. 

Game Length:
This game uses variable game length as described on page 122 of the BRB.

The Mission:
The Attacker:
Primary Missionis Purge the Alien.  
Secondary Mission: None

The Defender:
Primary Missionis Purge the Alien.
Secondary Mission: None

Victory Conditions:
Each Mission has their own Victory conditions.

Should the player meet the Victory Conditions for their Primary Mission, then that player receives 5 Battle Points.  Should the player also reach the victory conditions for their Secondary Mission, they then receive 3 Battle Points 

The secondary objectives of each mission are worth 1 Battle Point each (Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker).

Should the Attacker accomplish the secondary objective of Slay the Warlord - it is worth 3 Battle Points.
Should the Defender have their Warlord alive at the end of the game then they are granted - 3 Battle Points.

The player with the most Battle Points or BP’s at the end is the winner of the scenario.

Mission Special Rules:
Nightfighting, Reserves.

Should the Defender win “The Firefight” scenario, then both players may also play the second mission as well.


 MissionScenario B – Righteous Indignation

 The Armies:
A points value of 1,500 to 2,000 points per side is recommended for this mission.

The Battlefield:
The Hunt Begins will use the Dawn of War deployment.  Players roll off to see who chooses which side of the table.
Place a Primary Objective:
After setting up terrain, the players take it in turns to place a single Primary Objective marker in their own table half.  Normal restrictions for placing markers apply.

Before  deploying their forces, players should first roll for their Warlord Traits.  Once the Warlord Traits have been determined, the players will roll off to determine who is The Attacker and the Defender.  The Defender will then deploy their forces first followed by the Attacker after. 

First Turn:
The Attacker goes first unless the Defender spots them coming and can Seize the Initiative. 

Game Length:
This game uses variable game length as described on page 122 of the BRB.

The Mission:
The Attacker:
Primary Missionis The Emperors Will.
Secondary Mission: Purge the Alien

The Defender:
Primary Missionis: The Emperor's Will.
Secondary Mission: Purge the Alien.

Victory Conditions:
Each Mission has their own Victory conditions.

Should the player meet the Victory Conditions for their Primary Mission, then that player receives 5 Battle Points.  Should the player also reach the victory conditions for their Secondary Mission, they then receive 3 Battle Points 

In The Emperor's Will Mission - the Attacker scores 5 Battle Points for claiming the Defender's Primary Objective.

In The Emperor's Will Mission - the Defender may use the Heavy Metal rule (Big Guns Never Tire Mission p.128) in this scenario.

The secondary objectives of each mission are worth 1 Battle Point each (Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker).

The player with the most Battle Points or BP’s at the end is the winner of the scenario.

Mission Special Rules:
Nightfighting, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives.
