Librarian ml 2
Master of the forge
6-8 (can't remember) sternguard with powerfist and 3x combi-melta
Tactical squad, plasma, combi-plasma, multi-melta, rhino
Tactical squad, plasma, combi-plasma, multi-melta, rhino
5 scouts, snipers, camo cloaks
Stormtalon with lascannon
Stormtalon with lascannon
White scars:
Chapter master, bike, shield eternal, burning blade, articifier
5 bikers 2x grav-guns
War boss, eavy armour, big choppa
5 bikers
30 boys, 3 rokkit launchers, nob power klaw
6 nobs, power claws big choppas, eavy armour, combi skorcha, trukk
10 lootas
10 lootas
3 deffkoptas
Battlewagon, zapp gun, dethrolla
Battlewagon, zapp gun, dethrolla

In response I set up my thundefire as far away from the lootas as possible with good line of sight on top of a tower (bottom left). Scouts went into a fortified ruin behind the aegis with the quad gun, bikes were central to attract attention and because I couldn't hide both them and the rhinos in the central ruin.
For psychic powers I got flame breath and invisibility. Warlord trait was -1 to enemy reserves. Can't remember what Paul got.