"They left their world, a world on the brink of chaos and destruction. They had seen their future, and decided to change their path. They vowed only to return to save their tainted brothers from the curse slaanesh had laid upon them.
The remains population cursed the names, cowards, traitors. The craft world saw then as bringing death to their world, for each eldar who left was a valuable defence of their craft world.
Yet the intention was not to doom their home world, but to save it, for leaving their home would keep them pure. It would be many seasons before they would return, hundreds of their brothers would fall to slaanesh. Before the world was plunge into chaos, they returned, the Death Bringers of the craft world were prove their name,this time for a different reason . They brought a fury and hatred unknown to the eldar race, no remorse, no retreat, no quarter given. Great Wraith structures destroyed daemons in waves, Guardians mounted atop hard scaled lizards chased daemons for miles, farseers and spiritseers battles daemon princes. It did not take long. The Death Dealers repelled the incursion in a week. 

However, the Death Dealers were not finished. Corvenus, Farseer of the Death Dealers, believed his brothers to be tainted, one night after the war of "Death and Daemons" Corvenus order the killing of all farseers, warlocks and spirit seers. The craft worlds council was wiped out in one night. This was to be the penultimate action of the Death Dealers in their old craft world. There final action was a choice, to stay on this planet, or test themselves on the Death Dealers new homeworld. The majority refused, preferring to rebuild their home, the ones that did, left the craft world. Their first test would be sooner than they thought...

As the Death Dealers ships left, they bombarded the planet, any eldar not willing to pay the life debt owned to the Death Dealers were not worthy of being part of the mighty eldar race, only the the strong can survive in this galaxy, only the Death Dealers can survive this galaxy."

Welcome guys and girls to a new project of mine. Welcome to "The Death Dealers"

For far to long I've loved eldar. They were my first ever 40k models. But now, it's time to give eldar a different treatment.

Grimm, bleak, merciless and brutal. They are not your usual eldar. I'm sick of the bright colours and happy eldar. Now is a time for ruthlessness.

This army is inspired by a few things. I've always wanted to do an Exodite themed army, however I wanted a different feel than just "wood eldar".

These eldar live in harsh climates and surroundings, with a strong link to wraiths. I've chosen a wraith part to the list and a fast part to the list. This idea stems fro. The idea that on their homeworld, your either tough enough to fight the beast or fast enough to out run them.

Tomorrow I will be posting up my 2k list, and further thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts on the theme .

Dice Jesus out!