Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game and Retribution of Scyrah Lists

I have recently been invited to play in an Iron Kingdoms Fantasy Roleplaying game with a few friends of mine.  Now I had posted a while back in my Breaking up with Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 topic that I was rather done with most role playing games as Wargaming took the driver’s seat with most of my free time (what little exists anymore!).  Now the Deployment Zone podcast had spent two episodes describing the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying System as well as playing through a quick game to test out the mechanics.  During that time my gaming group had listened to the podcast and decided that they would run a campaign after the holidays and tie it into a Warmachine/Hordes map campaign.  So the six of us are going to play a map based Warmachine/Hordes/Iron Kingdoms campaign and roleplaying game with the map campaign being over for both systems in summer and the roleplaying game continuing for an undetermined amount of time.
The Full Metal Fantasy Campaign Rules:
1.  You are to submit one faction to play for each game, Hordes and Warmachine.
2.  You are allowed to field 2 lists per game system.
3.  Each list must be 50 pts.
4.  You are to submit one character for the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game.  You do not have to play a character from the same faction as your armies.
5. You are expected to play in the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game twice a month and the map based Warmachine/Hordes campaign once a month (once per faction – 2 games a month).’
6.  Iron Kingdoms characters are to start at level 1.

Map Based Campaign Rules:
1.  You are limited to 2 hexes of movement per turn.  Movement into another territory takes 1 hex of movement, regardless of the type of terrain (water, mountains, etc..)
2.  You may only attack a faction/army an adjacent hex away.  Attacking requires 1 hex of movement.
3.  You may only garrison territories that have been claimed for more than one game turn. (i.e. you can not garrison a territory the same turn as you conquer it)
4.  Garrisoning a territory requires 1 hex of movement and will allow you to defend the territory against invaders.
5.  Non-garrisoned territories may not be defended and are automatically captured.
6.  Capitols are automatically considered garrisoned.
7.  There will be 4 Seasons, each Season consisting of 3 Game Turns.
8.  A player’s faction is wiped out when there are no territories occupied by that player’s army.
9.  The winner is determined to be the player with the most territories.
10.  Players may not “aid” their other faction with their other army.  The two armies are treated as aggressive when adjacent and may not be treated as “Neutral” territories and therefore able to be passed through.  When a player is forced to invade a territory controlled by his other faction, if it is garrisoned then the Campaign Master will play the defender for that match.
11.  Two players may agree to be “Neutral” with one another for a single Game Turn.  While two players are neutral, players may move through each other’s territories without engaging in combat.  Hordes and Warmachine factions may not be Neutral with each other and are always considered Aggressive. 
12.  You may only declare neutrality once per Season.

                So with this set of rules established for the campaign, I set about drafting up both my army lists and my character for the game.  I have decided upon for Warmachine the Retribution of Scyrah and for Hordes the Circle Orboros.   The lists I’m going to use are detailed below:
Retribution of Scyrah: The Company of the Damned
Circle Orboros – The Great Hunt
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
-          Sylys Wyshnalyrr
-          Banshee
-          Banshee
Mage Hunter Assassin
Mage Hunter Assassin
Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
Ghost Sniper
Ghost Sniper

Mage Hunter Infiltrators – Leader & 5 Grunts
-          Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
Mage Hunter Strike Force – Leader & 5 Grunts
-          Strike Force Commander
Stormfall Archers – Leader & 3 Grunts
Total: 50 pts.

Grayle the Farstrider
-          Pureblood Warpwolf
-          Warpwolf Stalker
-          Winter Argus
War Wolf
War Wolf
War Wolf
Reeve Hunter
Wolf Lord Morraig

Reeves of Orboros – Leader & 5 Grunts
-          Reeves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard Bearer
Wolves of Orboros – Leader & 5 Grunts
-          Wolves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard Bearer
Warpborn Skinwalkers – Leader & 4 Grunts
-          Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha
Total: 50 pts

Claw & Fang Theme – Tier 3
Retribution of Scyrah: Fires from on High
Circle Orboros: The Heart Eaters
Adeptis Rahn
-          Sylys Wyshanalyrr
-          Discordia
-          Hyperion
House Shyeel Magister
House Shyeel Magister
House Shyeel Artificer
House Shyeel Artificer

Stormfall Archers – Leader & 3 Grunts
House Shyeel Battle Mages – Leader & 5 Grunts
House Shyeel Battle Mages – Leader & 5 Grunts
Total: 50 pts.

Fires from on High Theme – Tier 4
Kromac the Ravenous
-          Warpwolf Stalker
-          Gnarlhorn Satyr
-          Shadowhorn Satyr
Lord of the Feast
Tharn Ravager White Mane
Tharn Ravager White Mane

Tharn Ravagers – Leader & 5 Grunts
-          Tharn Ravager Chieftain
-          Tharn Ravager Shaman
Tharn Ravagers – Leader & 3 Grunts
-          Tharn Ravager Chieftain

The Heart Eaters – Tier 4

                I am hopeful that I will be able to field 1-2 games a session with the two factions.  We shall have to see.

My Iron Kingdoms character is an Iosan Mage Hunter/ Cutthroat and as many of you have already probably predicted his name is Sylvos.  I will post his character sheet for your viewing pleasure after the first session.  I will be providing hopefully bi-weekly updates on the Full Metal Fantasy Campaign for both the Map Campaign and the Roleplaying Game.  Until then, that’s it for now!