So my eldar list is developing quite nicely. I've really hit a streak with eldar again, but I had a few issues with my list design.

My first problem was 2x5 jet bikes are a waste compared to units of three. Which ironically are harder to kill, due to their small footprint.

I also have gone off my wraithguard recently. Most games I found them not doing a great deal, and my army still coming good, so by dropping them I may be able to find a more flexible troop choice.

My next two issues were my wraithlords. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love the models, I hate what they do. This leads me on to my next point. I needed more straight up killing. Relying on failing saves can some times be a crutch. I needed some fire power that is a pure kick in the nuts.

This leads me to a tau commander joing a riptide. You know the drill, str 8 ap2 large blast, twin linked, ignores cover. For  the points this is a crazy combo, it hits like a train and unlike the writhguard/lords can threaten from a long distance (60").

For a bit more marine killing ( and especially marine bikes and jet bikes) I've added in a dark reaper unit. With their great range and low ap, with ignoring jink they allow me another tool in there locker 

Anyway here's the list guys and girls

+++ eldar with tau (2000pts) +++
+++ 2000pt Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013), Codex: Tau Empire (2013), Vraksian Renegades & Heretics Roster (Primary Detachment, Allied Detachment, Fortification)) +++


Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ +

    * Farseer
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Ghosthelm, Independent Character, Psychic Disciplines: Divination, Runes of Fate, Telepathy, Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Rune Armour)
        Singing spear, The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (*)
        * Eldar Jetbike
            Twin-linked shuriken catapult

+ Troops +

    * Guardian Defenders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet)
        10x Guardian
        * Wave Serpent
            Holo-fields (*), Serpent Field, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

    * Guardian Defenders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet)
        10x Guardian
        * Wave Serpent
            Holo-fields (*), Serpent Field, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

    * Rangers
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth)
        5x Ranger

    * Windrider Jetbike Squadron
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
        3x Guardian Jetbike, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

    * Windrider Jetbike Squadron
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
        3x Guardian Jetbike, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

+ Fast Attack +

    * Crimson Hunter
        (Skyhunter, Vector Dancer)
        Pulse Laser

    * Warp Spiders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Hit & Run, Warp Jump Generator)
        6x Warp Spider

    * Warp Spiders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Hit & Run, Warp Jump Generator)
        6x Warp Spider

+ Heavy Support +

    * Dark Reapers
        (Ancient Doom, Slow and Purposeful)
        * 5x Dark Reaper
            5x Reaper launcher
        * Exarch
            Fast Shot (*), Night Vision (*), Tempest launcher

    * Wraithknight
        (Ancient Doom, Fearless)
        Two Heavy Wraithcannons

Codex: Tau Empire (2013) (Allied Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ +

    * Commander
        (Independent Character, Supporting Fire, Very Bulky)
        Command and Control Node, Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite, Puretide Engram Neurochip, XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit

+ Elites +

    * XV104 Riptide
        (Nova Reactor, Supporting Fire)
        Ion Accelerator, Twin-linked Smart Missile System
        * Shielded Missile Drone
            (Supporting Fire)
            Missile Pod, Shield generator (*)

+ Troops +

    * Kroot Carnivore Squad
        10x Kroot