With a new Space Wolves Codex coming very soon and Adam returning, the Space Wolves Blog is getting an overhaul with lots of great new stuff in the pipeline.

Codex: Vlka Fenryka

Let's begin with the first bit of good news - a new Space Wolves Codex! I'd received some 'hints' about this last week, literally the day before Naftka at Faetit 212 published the story. A new Space Wolves Codex is coming and it's coming soon. That's all we know right now.

It probably won't be called Codex Vlka Fenryka, but I will very definitely be throwing down a ridiculous amount of money for the Limited Edition book.

In the meantime, here's a wishlist of stuff that probably won't happen, but let's speculate anyway.

  • Characters will get cheaper and receive extra wounds to bring them in line with Codex Space Marines
  • Relic type weapons for Characters (ala Codex Space Marines)
  • Access to the Storm Raven
  • Wulfen available as a unit choice
  • Bulveye, Wolf Lord of the 13th Company. Grants all units in his force the ability to Infiltrate, but no Armour units permitted.
That's about it really. I could wish list some of the new Space Marine units, but when you consider that the Space Wolves tend to shun new technology, it ain't gonna happen. I'm not even sure how they managed to get the Land Raider Redeemer in the current Codex!

Adam is Back

I'd been talking with Noam about taking the helm of the Space Wolves Blog again for quite some time. Having played every single army in Warhammer 40K now and nothing does it for me quite like the Space Wolves. So yes, I am back and I am back for good.

Besides, I've really missed talking with you guys and making friends at tournaments over some great games of 40K. After all, that's what the hobby is really all about.

In the meantime, I'm working on a massive new Space Wolves army using some amazing speed techniques to achieve an incredibly realistic effect. But more on that in a moment, because what the blog really needs is a face lift...

Space Wolves Blog Getting an Overhaul

Now, I had originally planned to relaunch the blog in September, to celebrate 5 years of the current Space Wolves Codex. This was actually how the 'hints' for a new Codex came about, during a discussion with a couple of people. Then the news was published by Naftka and I realised that I had to relaunch early and just get on with it.

So no 'big unveiling' of my new Space Wolves army and new blog design as intended. Instead you get to follow my progress as it happens - and shout at me if I lag behind.

But the blog does need a big overhaul. For starters, ALL of the tactics articles need to be updated, but I'll get that done in due course when the new Codex drops.

A lot of blog posts from the past year or two are formatted strangely (due to cutting n' pasting from Word I'd imagine), so these need to be fixed. Then the tagging system needs to be cleaned up and streamlined.

The links to the biggest articles on the side bar need to be revised. And the widget about the Blog Contributors needs to be brought back.

The Space Wolves Blog will also be teaming up with the enormous 6,0000+ strong Space Wolves Facebook group again. This will be back on the side bar like before.

The ads and banners will be cut back as well, becaue this blog isn't about making money. It's about creating a resource to help Space Wolves players to get the most out of their army and their hobby as a whole.

I seriously need to update the blogroll too, because there are too many good blogs out there that deserve to be on it.

So yeah, just a few things that need doing, as well as some new stuff, such as...

New Stuff!

In addition to all the Space Wolves tactics, battle reports, painting guides, conversion guides and what not, I'm going to mix it up with some more stuff that you've all been emailing me about for years.

An annual tournament is going to happen. Not sure if I'm going to work with Alex Brown at From The Fang to bring Blog Wars to the South of England or run 'The Wolf Time' or something equally wolfy. But after successfully running the Throne Of Lolz tournament (originally set up for people who couldn't get tickets to Throne Of Skulls) three times, I'd say I'm up for the challenge.

Great Hunt global campaigns are something I've often contemplated. Just like the Great Hunts For Russ that the Space Wolf chapter embarks on whenever a Wolf Lord receives a vision or an artefact is found, a Great Hunt would be a 3 month period where we'd call all Space Wolf players to get out there, play some games, take some photos and send in some battle reports, but most importantly make a lot of noise about the best army in Warhammer 40K!

I'd also like to work with some people to sort out a selection of wolfy t-shirts, dice and accessories too. Mostly because I want this stuff for myself, but it's only fair that I make it available for all of you too.

Adam's New Army

I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook lately. Particularly in the Horus Heresy Painting and Modelling Group. And it's here I met a very talented chap named Trevor.

Now Trevor had posted some pictures of a Space Wolf from the Watch-Pack in his Ultramarines army. And it was quite simply stunning.

I got in touch to ask him how he did it and I was pleasantly surprised at just how simple his techniques were. Mostly it was washes, sprays, drybrushing and weathering powders. But most importantly, it was incredibly quick and looked very realistic!

And that's the great thing about this Horus Heresy group, because many of the hobbyists honed their skills building and painting aeroplanes and tanks from WWII. So they have a very different approach to most of us Games Workshop hobbyists who were taught to paint in a very cartoon style. Their miniatures are dull and dirty, but wonderfully realistic too. There's a lot we can all learn from historical model makers.

Anyway, Trevor has given me a guide to follow and I'll be sharing links to his video tutorials as I go.

I've bought an airbrush and generator for £60 on eBay, which will be seeing a heck of a lot of action, as well as the Tamiya weathering powders I need. Meanwhile, my good friend Joel at Anvil Industries is sending me 120+ of his Urban Rubble bases for the entire army.

I'm working on a drop pod force of 3,000 points. I'll also be applying similar techniques to my enormous Dwarf Throng of around 6,000 points, while pilfering all the cool itz for my Space Wolves. Then I just have 10 Yu Jing Infinity models to paint in Dave (Munky) Richardson's bright cartoon style.


So to sum it all up. There's a new Codex potentially 2 months away, I'm back at the helm of the blog and frantically building my army in anticipation.

Obviously, I'll share, shoot down or verify and news about the Space Wolves that comes up in the meantime. And if I can get my paws on an early copy of the Codex, I'll spill the beans on all the best bits as soon as I can.

Then I'll revise all the tactics for each unit, plus any new units we may get.

Thanks for reading and as always, please spread the word of the Space Wolves blog, whether you add it to your blogroll, your forum signature or simply tell all your friends about it.

It's good to be back.
