As you know, the Space Wolves Blog has been undergoing a gradual overhaul. Mostly a clean up of links, pages, tags, ads, graphics and other assorted odds and sods.

I made a lot of promises when I returned, so I wanted to show you guys where I am with it all.

I also went through all of Wolf & Sister, fixing links and cleaning up the preview images. More Wolf & Sister is on the way. I'm sitting on some pages at the moment (boy do they look good!), but Nacho has asked if I can hold fire until he's finished the series.

A lot of blog posts from the past year or two are formatted strangely.
I deleted a lot of them. Saved the ones that were worth saving.
Yeah, I deleted a lot!

Tagging system needs to be cleaned up and streamlined.
Did a big clean up. And deleted a lot of bad blog posts (above).

The links to the biggest articles on the side bar need to be revised.
Started to clean up. New articles needed. Especially army lists.
Noticed a few broken links too!

Blog contributors widget
This didn't happen, because the blog contributors were all 'incentivised' by Noam.
As soon as I said I couldn't afford to incentivise them, that was that.

So I'm a lone wolf in this. It's actually easier to do it alone too. Often editing articles takes me longer than it does to write them in the first place!

Bring back 6,0000+ strong Space Wolves Facebook group widget
Attempted to use 'wolfy' social media icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
Was a bit of a fail. So I'm going to just implement the Facebook widget on its own instead.

Too many ads and banners
Reduced number and better blended existing amongst sidebar features. Also recreated all Category Buttons and made affiliate banners match. May do some selective editing of Google AdSense banners. Mature Dating seems to come up a lot - ick!
I also replaced the bottom banner with a big one for Wolf & Sister, because it was difficult to find the comic otherwise, if you didn't know it existed!

Update the blogroll too
A lot of the good old blogs I remember have died it seems.

There have been some additions. Notably, 40K Daemons. Amazing blog. Well worth a read, even if you don't play Chaos. Once the new Space Wolves Codex drops, content will ramp up and I'll apply for the Faet Blogroll scheme.

Annual Tournament
I've scrapped this due to lack of time. I'll put my hands up and admit that I'd rather selfishly attend other people's tournaments and enjoy playing games. The hassle of running tournaments really isn't worth it. Now I can see why people charge so much for tickets.

Great Hunt global campaign
This will kick off once the new Space Wolves Codex drops.

That's all for now. But in the meantime, it's back to building armies in anticipation of the new Space Wolves Codex. Thanks for your continuing support for the blog. I truly appreciate it!