Nurgle Daemon Prince Painted

I just felt like taking a couple of hours off to paint something. I went to the store and picked up one of the fine cast versions of the Nurgle Daemon Prince. He can join my Daemons army. Who knows, maybe some day I'll do a new Nurgle Death Guard army with him as the...

40k Radio Adepticon Special: 2 Mins in The Limelight

Here's the link to the 40k Radio episode on Adepticon. It's fun and was really cool watching the guys record it. Towards the end of the show, you can here me talking about Amsterdam, loosing in the 40k Championships and throwing some dice down in...

Adepticon X Anniversary Miniature painted, Necrons

The Xenos technology uncovered by the Adeptus Mechanicus on Orvan IV was originally harnessed by the explorators to create an armoured walker, the Inceptum. The artifact housed an unprecedented amount of power compared to its size. Tech Priests were even able to mount...

Army Showcase: Necrons of the Whispering Dunes

I need a new camera, this one has scratches that show up as black lines in the pictures (but I need money). Anyway, here is a showcase of my necrons in their new colour scheme.I decided to speed paint my necrons for the tournament hosted last weekend and this is an...

Adepticon 2012: What a ride

Still recovering from Adepticon, but how was it? The 40k Championships were rough. I played against mech IG (1-2), Mech BA (3-0), GK (0-3) and finally SW which I lost on tiebreaker. The last game had some bad luck on t6 turning the game, but other then that, it was...