The Voidsmen-at-arms are complete!

o/The Emperor's shiniest...mere humans.This squad knocks off my first entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial conclave of 2023. Currently there is an Inquisitor (unrelated to this squad) in the works, but more on him at the end of month. I'm rather pleased with...

Would they really be dragons without some fire?

Of course not, thus we have fire. Kill it! Kill it with fire!I snagged these guys off of eBay for $23.50 which was a steal! That or they suck and I'm not yet aware of it. While their pyreblasters look cool, I couldn't figure out why GW needed to add another...

Voidsmen-at-arms part 2: The ‘ugly’ stage

 o/Here's the latest on my entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclave of 2023. See? I wasn't kidding when I said ugly!I've made it to the ugly part, where all of the colors have been applied and they're ready for all of the myriad of touchups needed before...

My 2023 Inquisitorial Conclave entry

 o/The Elucidian Desert Striders?If so, then I'm guessing that those bits of machinery on their backs are portable air conditioners.This year I shall be working on a squad of the Blackstone Fortress' Voidsmen-at-arms for Neverness' Inquisitorial...

Black Dragons Lieutenant

 o/A unicorn among dragons?I had a bit of insomnia Friday night and decided to paint rather than lie in bed tossing and turning in a hopeless quest for sleep. As such this guy went from primed black to ready for decals by the time I called it a night some time...