Here be Dragons… (v.2)

 o/Scary aren't they? No really, they are. Seriously!They even have rules that say they are...I'm sorry Zzzzz I tried, I really did. It just didn't work out. For those who aren't aware, Zzzzz is the one who named my Incandescent Coyotes chapter after seeing their...

Da Groop’s ARRRRRR Support!

 o/Da Stooka!It's here! It's here! Perhaps this will shake off my 10th ed 40k malaise? We'll see. I've heard mostly good things, but not really interested in bothering with it at the moment. But that's not why you're here.No, you're here to see a photo dump of my...

Star Wars Legion Rebel Troopers

 o/Well I guess its time for another bi-weekly (or so) blog post. I've downloaded everything I need for 10th ed 40k, and...that's basically it. Haven't even really looked thru the PDFs other than to delete out the units I don't have. For example: I reduced the...

Grand theft droid

New on Xbox......or, maybe not.Originally, I had intended to make a little diorama with these little guys. However upon reading the rules for the forthcoming Ewok slingers, I instead decided to put them on bases to uses as possible proxies instead. I had thought of...

Every army needs a leader…

 ...even for games that I don't play. On my signal, unleash hell!I think that I saw a guy in the one of the Mandalorian episodes who was decked out like this. I'm pretty sure that he was supposed to be a miner of some sort. That said, I painted him up like a...