Meanwhile in da’ Ooh-Kay…

 o/Just in time (well sorta) for 10th ed, my Ork fighta-bomma's getting some desperately needed by the talented Admiral Drax! He promises that it'll look good and properly orky in da end!Another update received late last night. 

Guitar Hero?

 o/Naturally, a robot would be playing an electric guitar...Lacking any opponents with which to play a game of anything with (again) this past Memorial Day weekend, I painted up another of my Robot of the Month Club among other (still work-in-progress)...

My new 10th Ed 40k army?

 o/Well, yeah sorta. You should get 20 Skitarii out of one boxed set!From what I understand, Imperial Agents aside, allies are most likely going away in 10th ed 40k, which is a frightening prospect for my multitude of side projects:The Inquisitors and...

Wargames Exclusive’s Thank You Miniature

 o/Easily the coolest postcard that I've gotten in a long, long while!Long time no post. Life is busy, been painting Battletech, blah, know, the typical real life TM getting in the way kinda thing. I'm still here though and recently received a...

Those ‘Wild Boys’ from the 7th Company

 o/Firstborn Lieutenant Wild of the Ultramarines' 7th Reserve Company.In the Indomitus era, Primaris Space Marines are king amongst the armies of the Imperium. Primaris Marines form the bulk, if not the entirety of most chapters' battle and veteran companies,...