How long does it take to build a squad of Hellblasters?

 o/Most folks would agree that it takes just a few hours, and they would be right. In my case, it also took just a few hours though said hours were delayed by 15 or so months between the time of purchase and the removal of the box's shrink wrap. Here of late...

DreamForge Games Grav-Stug

I hope that everyone had a good Day of the Emperor's Ascension, and that you found all of the hidden Tyranid eggs. Don't worry if you didn't though, because whatever was in them will soon find you!I have wanted one of these for so, so long! I backed both failed...

This week in random paint jobs (part 1)

 o/With no games planned, Saturday night seemed a good time to finish off several half-painted minis.I believe this was February's Robot of the Month Club's offering.I love these things. I have 3 more to paint (Including a cybernetically enhanced mouse which...

Traveling to the Galaxy’s Edge

 o/An AT-AT, from the infantry's perspective...Nope, no painting from me here of late. Last week I was on my honeymoon in Orlando and after spending most of the week with Mickey, we rounded out our stay with a visit to Disney's Hollywood Studios, mainly to visit...