SWL 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team

 o/This little lady has Badass written all over her!My woefully ineffective pizza cannon from the battle of Hoth is complete! As you can tell by both the crew and basing, this one clearly wasn't used in that debacle. I originally had pondered adding camo...

Star Wars Legion Mud Troopers

 o/My first squad (sans oxygen masks).The Imperial Guardsmen of the Star Wars universe are undoubtedly the Mud Troopers. These guys were easily one of the best parts of the Solo movie. I've designated this guy as the squad leader by adding a red stripe to...

Bolt Action Korea

o/My next potential time waster...On a whim I purchased this a few weeks back and have been perusing it when time permits. The book itself was a lot thicker than anticipated, though given all of the scenarios, army lists, etc., I ought to have known better. No idea if...

You Rebel Scum…

 o/One of these is not like the others...This was originally intended to be my Monday post, that is until I ended up with an unexpected horde of Orks (still sorting that menagerie out btw). Anyways, going along with my earlier Mandalorian post here are the...

BIG changes at Da Groop!

 o/This past Saturday my Buddy Rob and I arranged to get a 1k game of 40k in. I was fielding my Orks again, indeed it was the same exact list as was used vs. Kushial. Rob said they'd be a welcome change from the norm and he brought his Votann out for another...