DLWDG vs. The Lions of Harlech

 o/Yes I know, I know. It has indeed been next to forever since Da Long Wayz Dezert Groop itself has seen the tabletop for a game of 40k, however last weekend Kushial and his Lions of Harlech came to my FLGS and we got in a game. We fielded 1K each and fought...

Gettin’ back in to da saddle!

 o/AD'MRAL ORKBAR!!For Christmas this year, among other things, Screech gifted me with a bag of 11 3D printed Ork Freebooters. They'll serve as a half dozen Flash Gitz with the rest being folded with my meagre collection of boyz. Those footslogging Freeboterz...

A Mandalorian & The Mandalorian

 o/Two guns for hire.Its been a little quiet here of late as I've been on a bit of a Battletech kick. Nonetheless, you all know me well enough to know that I can't go too long painting any one thing before my brush wanders off to another genre. The latest result...

Fun with stencils (Take 2)

o/Can't see it can you?Way, way back in 2016 I bought some stencils from Fallout Hobbies and gave 'em a try. It was kindova disaster. Clearly the stencils were intended to be used with an airbrush rather than a paint brush. Skipping forward to the present and I still...

Finishing out 2022

 o/Some more acolytes for an as yet unknown Inquisitor.This is my last post for the year and a quick one at that! I'm going out with a few more minis painted on Christmas day. These three match nicely with the first 'pointing guy' that I painted back in...