A Friday night brawl in the Appalachian Subsector

 o/If this doesn't qualify as a brawl, then I don't know what does.I got to play another round of 40k this past weekend vs. my buddy Screech and his golden horde of Necrons. It was just the two of us in a 'standard' rather than multi-player game, and as such we...

Dad’s Droid & some Cog Boys

 o/#snodgrassartAt this mini's 70mm-ish scale, the large grassy tufts look like regular ones that you normally see on a 28mm mini's base. First up for this week I have a gone fishin' robot that I painted up for my dad, who's birthday is later this month. I...

The Hobby Butterflies…

 ...are everywhere!Nothing particularly blogworthy going on at the moment. Between holiday stuff (shopping, decorating, wrapping presents, fighting with the extended family, etc.) and a hellova lot of overtime at work going on, it's been hard to get anything...

And they went ‘Wee! Wee! Wee! All the way home!’

 Yes, I did in fact say that during the game itself. o/Murl & Screech and I played our usual 1K, 3-way, central objective 40k game the other night and below is more or less a highlight reel of mostly my army rather than a proper report (as I only took a...