The Exalt Champion of…tedium.

The Black Legion's Children of Torment subfaction's exalted champion. Ya know, I wish GW would put some more detail on the Chaos marines said no one ever! Seriously, WTF?!? These guys are a nightmare of detailing (Chaos Marines aren't supposed to be the stuff of...

Returning to the realm of the living…

 o/They're just a little side project...Yes, I alive again and as such I managed to get in a little bit of hobbying this past weekend. First up: I assembled my new squad of Demiurg allies to go with my Tau army. These will be used as an auxiliary support...

The weekly round up…

The ever wily Neverness during last weekend's game. Yes, he has a battle report in the works...  So this week I painted...Actually I didn't do a damned thing right until I took the following photos and then wrote this post. Once again I have Papa Nurgle to...

Dreadtober 2022 sidebar

 o/Much like Neverness, Westrider and no doubt others, I too worked on other projects and minis amidst working on Dreadtober project of Commander Firestorm. One cargo is toxic and the other is radioactive, it'd be best to just pass these two containers...

Tau Commander Firestorm is complete for Dreadtober ’22!

 Huzzah!Dread-less-tober in my case...I was hoping to get some good, outside/natural light pics for this post, but real life and/or crummy weather denied me the opportunity to do so. Nonetheless I'm happy with my end result and will no doubt be posting pics of...