And on turn two, everybody charged!

 o/Yup, it's battle report time again folks. Rather than the usual multi-player menagerie, this time is was a more conventional 1 v 1 game with my buddy Rob who was fielding the Alpha Legion this time (of which only 1 mini is painted as he hasn't settled on a...

Dreadtober (3rd Post)

 o/lol, how much do you want to bet that the rhino this door came from had a 'Don't Tread On Me' decal on it somewhere? This week I picked out the base colors, or rather the rhino door colors on the base (the rest of the base was a foregone conclusion as it...

What’s Old and Gold and rises from the dead all over?

 o/This past Friday night, I got in another 3-player, central objective 40k brawl with Rob and Screech (who was returning to 40k after a considerable absence). Here's how it went down:Trimming down some of his unplayed armies, Rob gave Screech his Necrons,...

Dreadtober (2nd Post)

 o/I'm betting that somewhere on the orange box in that background it says: The cake is a lie!This week has been the tedious process of base coating all of the OD green surfaces. Following that I added in all of the Mechanicum grey areas. While not exactly a camo...

Dreadtober 2022 (1st Post)

 Doesn't look too impressive in front of container # 67 back there.I totally didn't start off Dreadtober by painting a 3D printed Munitorum container. Totally...That said, I have at least gotten started and have achieved the good ol' stand by, tournament...