My Camo Smurfs are done (for now)

By my order as an agent of the Holy Inquisition and in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind: Kill them. Kill them all!Eight minis painted, which in a combat patrol consisting of a mere seventeen models is a pretty good chunk. Ironically however, in order to fit in...

My Smurfs are now a slog…

 It was inevitable I guess...I will finish the above minis before I move on to something else. Inquisitor included these will put me at eight painted minis for this army - in a row! That's a little more than my usual average before my mind loses...

Ordo Astartes Inquisitor

 o/Collecting evidence...The Ordo Astartes is an ordo minoris of the the God-Emperor's Holy Inquisition. Numbering approximately 50 Inquisitors they are charged with overseeing the Adeptus Astartes as a whole, and are clearly way out of their depth given...

Camo Smurf Intercessors WIP (Part 2)

 o/Target acquired...With my 500pt. Smurf army clocking in at a whopping 18 models, it is now just shy of being 25% painted. True...that means I have a mere four models completed, but let's face it: I'm notorious for my short attention span when it comes to...

Tarellian Hog Soldiers

Yes, you read that correctly. No, 'Hog' is not a typo. Lurking deep in the wilds of the Appalachian Subsector...Tarellian hog soldiers are sometimes employed as auxiliary forces of the Tau. Canon images are few and often conflicting. Likewise, inventing...