The Silver Drakes 40k debut!

 o/This past weekend I masked up (lots of infectious Tyranid spores in the air out there ya know...), and went out for my semi-annual 40k game. Actually it was about as 'fluffy' as we could get with myself fielding my Silver Drakes vs. my buddy Matt and his...

The turd has been polished…

...of course its still a turd, but whatever. The camo netting can only hide so much...Now that it's all painted up it looks halfway decent, though in hindsight I ought to have put a piece of plasitcard over that rear entry hatch. That one area is now by far...

Are Primaris Smurfs ‘Sensible’ Smurfs?

 Maybe...What a fat lot of good the camo did vs. that backdrop!Still mucking about with camouflaged Primaris marines, I found this tutorial (EXCELLENT if infrequently updated blog btw, highly recommended nonetheless) and as you can see I decided to give it a...

My various works in progress…

 o/I'm progressing on multiple fronts here of late, painting lots whilst finishing little...well, technically. First up are my caverns. Currently I've finished 50 (!?!) cavern hexes, yet I have many more to go. So yes, I am finishing individual pieces though the...

Ya get what ya pay for…

 o/Redressed in plasticard and spare bitz.I recently bought a 3D printed M577 for Team Yankee off of ebay. The auction picture looked decent, just needing a bit of structure trimming, but otherwise not too bad. Here check it out:$7.00, sure why not. However,...