This week in camouflage…

Space marines in, in... camouflage?!?!Wut da fuk...?HERESY!! **BLAM!!!**Once again I contradict myself. What is it I almost continuously rail about in regards to 40k currently? Primaris Marines. And what is it that I painted this week? A Primaris marine....

Matching colors…

 o/The LAV-25 has always been one of my favorite looking AFVs.I took a break from painting caverns on account of  having run out of my Testors Flat Earth paint which I'm using as a base coat. I did manage to restock my supply though it took a trip to one of...

Downsizing ‘da Groop

 lol, I'm sure that just by that title alone Neverness has a knot in the pit of his stomach, and perhaps rightly so.It isn't news to anybody that I don't play near as often as I once did, which has only been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. Thus my pile o'...

Making progress on painting up my caverns.

 o/One of these is not like the others...Welp, this project is going faster than I expected. After trying one or two color combos I just opted to go super easy, with a simple dry brushed layer of Bleached Bone over Testors Light Earth flat spray...

The Carrot

Behold! Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor in his vegetative state...And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. and took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the space betwixt the air itself.And he brought me into a vast...