He’s blue steel & sex appeal!

Yeah, sorry Smurf fanbois, this post isn't for you. To the devotees of Slaanesh however, read on...Sure, he'd prefer to kill the minions of the corpse god as much as any other traitor marine, but going by his tabard of recently flensed Ork's hide along with Ork skulls...

The underworld expands!

I ordered another set of caves and they arrived this past week. I just love these things and probably spent an hour or so just putting this layout together, assembling and reassembling so as to use every piece that I have. The full layout though as always, once...

Check out my new Light Saber!!

 er...well, actually it was a gift for my girlfriend's 11 year old son Frankie. The look on his face Christmas morning when he opened the box was priceless. Sadly, those few minutes of glee are about all the good that came out of this purchase. In hindsight, do...

Team Yankee LAV & HMMWVs assembled

 o/I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that keyboards count as difficult terrain...Whilst watching our national embarrassment play out on the news, I was at home, fortifying my 15mm defenses by assembling my Team Yankee LAV-25 and TOW missile equipped Humvees. The...

So long to this wretched year!

 o/2020 has been an awful year for most everyone. Rather than recap my personally experienced horrors, I'll instead let ya know where things stand as this ol' blog has been fairly quiet here of late. First up:, I based my 15mm Quar kickstarter army and...