Team Yankee Revisited.

 o/All of this post's photos are straight from the eBay listings as they've yet to arrive. About a week or two ago Screech commented 'you're all about 15mm gaming here lately, so how about Team Yankee?' He was referencing my recently acquired caves (which...

The caves have arrived!

 o/With the pieces fitting together like a puzzle without a picture to go by, I'll likely never assemble the same board twice. I love this stuff and as I've stated previously, I need moar!!! This bunch here clocked in at $100 and it almost fills a third of...

The Silver Drakes are an actual army now!

 o/I was really tempted to use some Angry Marine helms for these guys but I refrained...Yes, usual I'm always buying moar. I got lucky on eBay and found a squad of 10 assault intercessors way back when 9th dropped getting them for what 5 were selling for...

Going underground with Zone Mortalis…

 ...and/or Kill Team, Mordheim (this stuff SCREAMS Skaven of which I still have hordes of), Necromunda (ah yes, the good ol' sump...), Turnip28 (more on this later), and just about anything else I can think of. The pic below is from Alter3Dimensya of my first...

The Inquisitorial Abomination

At some point this hover throne was occupied by a radical member of the Emperor's holy Inquisition. It is not unlike (though clearly a bit less sophisticated) than that utilized by the infamous Gideon Ravenor. Whilst the throne itself is neither fully armored like...