Hellblaster Sergeant Insomnia

Yes, I named him at 4:30am this morning, how'd ya guess? Previously this marine was dutifully serving amongst the ranks of the Deathwatch. However when their new rules were released and he learned that Primaris marines wouldn't be getting any of the cool shit, he...

She’s Back!!!

 o/Well it took me a bit, but I finally repaired the ruined paint job of my Fem Fa'Tau Fire Warrior Shas'ui.  It didn't take too long actually, especially as half of the mini was fine as is, rather the delay was more psychological than anything. One thing of...

I finally bought a display cabinet

 o/It's already filled with a random smattering of favorites, of which only the Grot Spee, Baby Squiggoth and Exodite Autarch on the griffin are likely to see any actual future in-game use. I've always wanted one, but they're usually quite expensive and take...

Silver Drakes’ Captain Horridus

 o/Congratulations: it's twins! Oh about 6 months or so ago GW offered up their cancelled cons-exclusive Primaris Lt. Amulius up for general distribution. I in fact rather liked the model but to order it from GW directly I found would clock in at...

My latest odds & ends

 o/Currently this Rhino serves as the Coyotes' brig. Captives are locked within and subjected to a never ending loop of Rocky Top until their minds melt. These unfortunate, gibbering souls will happily spill all their secrets in order to receive a merciful...