This week in Space Marines…

 ...another white 'bawks.'Apparently I can't make a caption today without it being a link to....something. Yet another 'improvement' brought to you by the new Blogger interface. I could leave them feedback, but that has as much  positive effect as going out...

Hey what d’ya know? I do play this game!

GLORIOUS COMBAT!!Yup, 14ish months after I last played 40k, I finally got in a 500 point game. It was also the battlefield debut of the Incandescent Coyotes vs. Bob's Cadians. No scenario beyond just kill each other. Small, simple, relatively quick and...

The Incandescent Coyotes’ Razorback is complete!

 o/Whew, finally!The following is a recap of this tank's rebuild and repaint stages taken from all of the prior WIP posts. That'll save y'all from having to wade thru them all to see the entire process from start-to-finish for yourselves. Enjoy! It...


Just when ya think you were done, the gods of Chaos strike from out of the blue and ruin ensues...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!Picking up from my last post, there was another round of touch ups, followed by decals, inking, and finally adding a little tuft of lavender flowers poking...

The ‘Orange Box’ Nightmare Continues.

o/The Florida Gator/Clemson Tiger jokes will commence in 3...2...1... ...when I last left off on my Incandescent Coyotes' Razorback nightmare, it looked well...hideous. However as promised in that post, it is indeed now predominantly black. No...