Revised Generals Handbook thoughts

So GW have posted up on facebook asking for people to provide feedback on the Generals Handbook and what they would like changed for the next iteration.If you go on the facebook thread and read the comments (around 500 at my time of reading and expanding rapidly)...

GB s3

Repository of all s3 cards released to date. Updated 15 Nov 2016. Note tower and stoker were early releases and don't have the s3 style updates. 

30k Alpha Legion

 I got pulled into a 30k Whatsapp group at the start of 2016 with a bunch of mates.  I'd originally held off when Calth dropped but knew it was purely a matter of time once I found myself browsing the FW site at work one day and had over £800 of stuff in my...

Guild Ball Season 3 (info on forthcoming release)

Sorry to say this one is a bit of a text dump.  But for those interested I've tried to summarise what we've heard about Season 3 of Guild Ball so far.  For those following the game news there isn't likely to be anything you've not heard but for anyone not...

Guild Ball Season 2 Team Playstyles

I wrote this very quickly and plan on coming back and updating it but wanted to put my thoughts on playstyles down where people could see them that had expressed an interest.  In no way is this fully reflective of the variability of each team but intended as an...