Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup! complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
Bolt Action!!!

Bolt Action!!!

--> More Bolt Action!Yep. Bolt Action is where all of the… well… action has been these last few months now. Tremendous fun.Last week’s scenario had some kind of cache planted on an objective (the round carriage piece -here, my Forward Observer scopes the scene...
A Foolish Consistency…

A Foolish Consistency…

“A foolish consistency is the Hobgoblin of small minds.” Ralph Waldo EmersonMy hobby inclinations have been… evolving. I have, in fact, foresworn (for now) all interest in that certain monolithic company that was once the prime subject of this blog. What? I will admit...
What-ho, Squiffy!

What-ho, Squiffy!

CAPTION: Somewhere in England, 1944The squadron leader enters an RAF officers' mess and takes off his helmetBovril: Morning, squadron leader. Squadron Leader:What-ho, Squiffy. Bovril: How was it? Squadron Leader: Top hole. Bally Jerry pranged his kite right in the...


Breaking a long silence here to direct your attention toward Nick Baran's very cool new game Broken Contract - now on KS. You might recognize Nick from 2nd City Warzone - or from the AdeptiCon scene. Nick is a local legend with strong credentials. He's taken a very...