White knights.

Current thoughts on my marines, designed to play the malstrom mission cards.Thoughts? Any questions I'll be happy to help+++ raven guard. now with added knight (2000pts) ++++++ 2000pt Space Marines: Codex (2013), Imperial Knights: Codex (2014) v2 Roster (Combined Arms...

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.

40k is becoming more about the deathstars. If you hadn't noticed this, then you've been living under a rock.Now if we look at adepticon we will see it was won by a non-star list, however the top 16 looked fierce ( if not slightly stale ), with heavy reliance on...
What are you gaming traditions?

What are you gaming traditions?

With the eldar becoming more and more purple by the day, I decided to buy 100 purple dice.I tend to have a set of dice for each of my armies, it's become a bit of a tradition dating back to my infamous red dice for my wood elves. What gaming traditions do you guys have?