The Death Dealers. The list and thoughts.

The Death Dealers. The list and thoughts.

So after about 4 weeks of work and multiple games of eldar, here's the Death Dealers in full at 2k:SpiritseerFarseer, bike, spear5 wraithguard w/ cannonsWave serpent scatter laser, holo fields5 wraithguard w/ cannonsWave serpent scatter laser, holo fields5 bikes5...

Our past haunts us, but our future haunts our foes..

"They left their world, a world on the brink of chaos and destruction. They had seen their future, and decided to change their path. They vowed only to return to save their tainted brothers from the curse slaanesh had laid upon them.The remains population cursed the...

M I A? Or just AFK?

HelloFor those who may a concern. I'm not dead!!!!!!Nope, with a wedding to plan (2 weeks to go), final year of uni, and a summer of work i thought it best to take some time away from blogging. I felt I couldn't have given anything of worth. But fear not.I have been...

Beauty and the best. Game 2 post game analysis.

So I finished my first game with my daemons against toms guard.He had a lot of armour, including a pask punisher, two eradicates, two hydras, two vendettas and about 5 chimeras and 2 hellhounds!Backed with the typical amount of guardsmen.We played the scouring with...

First game with daemons tonight.

Hi guys and girls, dice jesus reporting tonight's weekly gaming night is upon me, and after playing my nids last week, i have the urge to play a faster more aggressive army.I have recently started a new project, of which a post will be up on the blog later about...