Game 1 of gaming day

So game one was Aussie dan with his noise marines/ slaanesh daemonsVs Toms tyranid army, 2000pts.Tom won by one victory point in a good game, ymgarls MVP for the game taking out 15 daemonettes and 10 csm.Good game, next up my tau, versus fans army

List for campaign day tomorrow

+++ Tau Army mk1 (1997pts) ++++++ 2000pt Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++Selections:Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:+ HQ + (274pts) * Commander (202pts) (Independent Character, Supporting Fire, Very Bulky) Crisis...

So new tau

So I got my game in against Tom and his drop marines with guard.The initial first turn I got hit hard and lost 2kps and first blood, fortunately I had a few units hurt but still above half strength.After taking the hit, my reserves did not want to arrive leaving me in...

So for the first time

In my 40k playing days a codex that I use has been updated in an edition. The tauSo pumped for thisThey are by far my favourite models, there's only one model I don't like and the rest I believe are the greatest models produced.Playing a game tonight, my thoughts will...

What bothers you…

About the design and layout of gw codexes, what would you change, what would you keep. Let me know as my last uni project is producing a design for a codex, all help is appreciated