Finally cracked it…part 3

So after defining what the army needs to be able to achieve, and now it's onto the list building.The ally section of my army come to 410pts, this gets me:Chaos sorcererMastery level 330 cultists3 flamersHeldrakeSo that leaves me 1590pts to play with. After each unit I...

Finally cracked it….part 2

So in my pre ions post I said I would look at what I need in my main force to create a balanced list, there are a few rules I try to keep to when building lists.1. 5 troop choices at 2000pts is a must, a 6th troop option is nice, any less is suicide.2. 2/6 of the...

1st studio session

Is done!!!This was taking photos of the army in there most basic form, this surveys no purpose other than as reference for my work, and none of the images will be used in the final codex.It's nice getting back into a photo studio after 3 years away from it, it's also...

In the studio

In the studio about to start photographing the Spartans and tau for their codex, will upload a few to give you a glimpse later

Finally cracked it…pt 1

So usually when a new codex comes out I will sit down with a bottle of Pepsi and Oreos and sit for a good 3 hours taking in each page, until it sinks into my head. Usually I can very quickly see units and combinations that I can break. Even the new daemon book I have...