Crew a Week Project – Waldgeist

Usually when I paint a crew for these challenges I include a few extra models just to make it a bit more interesting or more often because that particular crew needs those models to be effective. However when I painted Zoraida's crew I neglected to purchase any extras...

Unboxing Malifaux – Voodoo Doll

Totems tend to reflect the whims of their owners therefore Zoraidas is a doll she sticks pins in...must be a 'living in a swamp' thing... Voodoo Doll. One piece, minimal flash, negligible mould lines. Here's how he looks on a base...I can't really call it 'assembling'...

Unboxing Malifaux – Waldgeist

Some people have cats, others have dogs or birds, Zoraida has...other things... Waldgeist. The pack comes with two in it. Waldgeist 1 One arm and a tail are separate but easy to attach. Flash and mould lines are almost none existent. Waldgeist 2. Almost all the spiky...

Mantic Newsletter

Some humans for Kings of War...of course I wont be that interested till they're dead humans...but your own tastes might differ, lol. Blessed by the Pious The Basileans are the single biggest Kings of War release we’ve ever done – there is just SO...

Crew a Week Project – The Weaver Widow

In 1.5 the Weaver Widow works quite well with Collodi...hopefully M2E will be no different. ...and she can summon a Teddy... Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.