Noise Marine Painting Finished – Over 700 Hours of Work

Nick speaking,So finally, after over 700 hours of work, the Noise Marine Painting is Finished and it's time for a showcase of all thirty six Noise Marine Conversions as part of my Saved by Slaanesh series of videos.......ooosh!Noise Marine Painting Finished - Over 700...

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh Showcase

Nick speaking,So, I finally finished my Daemon Princess! I am really happy with both the conversion and paint job, but let me know what you think. Next up, thirty six Noise Marines

Necron Teleportation Bridge Platform

Nick speaking,Here is my latest Necron Terrain project. The idea is to have custom missions where each player has a teleportation pad in their deployment zones, where they can teleport one unit each turn to the top of the bridge, from there on I will make up a few...

Necron Army Showcase (14,000 Points)

Nick speaking,I finally managed to get some pictures of my fully painted Necron army. Of course it isn't finished as I will definitely be adding more units to it! NECRONS!!