Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP

Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP

As many of you know I have received my Mierce Miniatures order for the "Bellowing Tarvax" and "Ckaarakk, Tarvax Untain" models. I have begun building them so that hopefully my Warriors of Chaos army will be good to go before next year's OFCC (unless Wood Elves get a...
Triumph and Treachery – A Warhammer Fantasy Expansion

Triumph and Treachery – A Warhammer Fantasy Expansion

Triumph and Treachery – A Warhammer Fantasy Expansion The newest Warhammer Fantasy expansion – Triumph and Treachery is an expansion which features rules for playing 3, 4 or even 5 player games of Warhammer.  The game features new and unique rules to ensure that...
Enter De Bellis Antiquitatis

Enter De Bellis Antiquitatis

My gaming club has decided to take a brief departure form our standard Warhammer Fantasy gaming circuit and devote time to playing a different war game.  De Bellis Antiquitatis.  Historical Wargaming.Our friend Tom has decided to run a map campaign where the...