Operation Hobby Deconstruction

Operation Deconstruction:It is common knowledge that over the past oh 9 months since I was graced with my two lovely daughters, that I have had my ability to do anything hobby related (who am I kidding – anything in general) has been severely limited.  Now while...

A Tale of Two OFCC’s.

This summer has been rather hectic for me and the hobby and as a result I have not really had much time to properly blog about what's been going on.  As you may well know, the Ordo Fanaticus puts on two big annual events.  The Ordo Fanaticus Club...

Dark Eldar Razorwing Jetfighter WIP Part Deux!

So this week has been a bit hectic, I've been scrambling to find time to paint my models, nail down my list and learn how to use my new airbrush.  I'l do an update soon where I review my new airbrush and compressor and give a "first look" at using an airbrush for...

Eldar Warp Hunter and Dark Eldar Razorwing Jetfighter WIP

Hey guys,I've been kinda busy lately, hence the lack of constant posts but never you fear that shall soon be on the rise once again!I thought I'd toss up a few WIP pictures of my Warp Hunters and my Razorwing Jetfighter before I fully get them assembled/painted.The...

The Crimson Sigil – Succubus and Hekatrix Bloodbrides

I haven't had a lot of time to publish updates lately so here is  the latest unit in my Dark Eldar OFCC army:Ilshadrial Nethsema the Corsair Queen of the Crimson Sigil and her Blademaidens.More will come soon, including my OFCC Fantasy report.