The Princess (3)

Hi all,thank you for your patience and sticking around.Since the last update I finished the little fire-lizards and sculpted their wings.The wing-skin was done with Pro-Create as it is less sticky and easier to roll out flat.Then I used a bit of liquid GreenStuff to...

The Princess (2)

Hi all,thank you for your feedback!I'm glad to see you're still with me.Since the last post I actually worked a lot on this model, but mostly detail, so there's almost nothing to be seen.I started by working some more on the Princess' crown, adding a little dragon...

The Princess (1)

Hi all,a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and lots of quality time for yourself and your family - and your hobby ;)This is a rather large update with almost 60 images, as I started this project on the 23rd...

Dragon Rider (5)

Hi all,DONE!:)@Malevengion - that's awesome! Your suggestions hit dead on - I wouldn't have thought of a map case and a compass. THANKS!@RogĂ©rio- Thank You! I'm honoured :)Maybe I should call the rider Arzach after all :) So, to complete the sculpt I gave...