The Prototype (finished)

The Prototype (finished)

Uff! Done :)It was a bit of a marathon last night, but I was able to complete "The Prototype". Here you can see where I started yesterday evening.I then added more grime and more shadows.After the shadows I began painting and spraying the light effects.First only...
The Prototype (7)

The Prototype (7)

Hi guys,I started painting the soldiers in their base colors.  I'm trying to emphasize the different races (40K vs WWII Germans) by giving the "soldiers" a darker skin color while the "researchers and mechanics" get a very pale skin tone.Then the "Siglinde" got...
The Danamian’s arrived

The Danamian’s arrived

Hi guys,today I have a short product review for you. I participated in Mad Robot's "Roll Call" for the Danamian Jungle Fighters in March. This was like a Kickstarter for the creation of a new bits set - well actually a whole squad with several options for heads,...
The Prototype (6)

The Prototype (6)

Hi all,updates are a bit slow, as there's a lot of small details to paint. So forgive me the posting frequency. Since the last update I painted the welding equipment with the gas bottles and a small tool table. Then a kind of gun shield with a toolbox in...
The Prototype (5)

The Prototype (5)

Hi all,thank you for your kind words and support.I feel like I'm making some progress, but experienced some set-backs too.Last week a good and dear friend, Christian Koppmeyer, died at 52...