Lorgar Coming Soon

He’s a tubby bastard isn’t he…clearly there’s a few votive pies in the Chaos pantheon. Awesome model though. The mace is bag on and the armour and base is incredible.

Chaos Marauders – A Review

And now my attention falls to the Chaos Marauders. I actually had dozens of these when I last had a Chaos army. I forget how I acquired them. I suspect they were part of the army box or some such. But I didn’t build any of them. When the Chaos army went –...


Reblogged from Ramblings from The Trenches: I really didn’t think I’d last this long but this is my blog’s three hundredth post. When I started this just under two years ago I’d been back in the hobby for a couple of years and had recently discovered the #warmonger...
Forge World Space Marine Raptor

Forge World Space Marine Raptor

So. Much. Awesome. And all for £95.00. Which, as much as I hate to admit it, I’d actually pay for this bad boy. Space Marine Raptor And as a bonus here’s the Deimos Vindicator too. A blast from my Epic past…
Leaked Dark Elves Images

Leaked Dark Elves Images

They’re blurry, poor quality and likely to give you a migraine but below is a whole heap of leaked Dark Elves images. There’s some interesting kits in there including a fooking massive Hydra, new Witch Elves, and a wheeled temple of Khaine type thing which...