Horus Heresy Book 2: Massacre with Alan Bligh

Alan Bligh waxes lyrical about the new Horus Hersey book. It looks utterly gorgeous with some incredible original artwork in there. If only I didn’t understand the value of money…

A Tale of Two Armies – The First 500

Lee and I have been debating, deliberating and…something else beginning with ‘d’ to come up with our first 500 point army lists. We decided that the most effective way of kicking things off would be to base them on the contents of the Warhammer...
Firestorm Invading at Last?

Firestorm Invading at Last?

Almost a year ago I reviewed a starter set for the Studio Sparta game Firestorm Invasion: Planetfall. I enthused about what had the potential to expand on the Firestorm Armada universe and finally break the company out of their habit of overly abstracted rules, shit...

Chaos Lord on Foot – A Review

Followers on Twitter will know that I got rather excited by the A Tale of Two Armies. So much so that I went out during my lunch hour and bought the Chaos Lord on foot so I’d have a nice army general ahead of the fun and games of putting together the first 500...

Giving an ODAM

Regular readers will hopefully know that I along with Jason & Nate from Noobhammer, Adam from War More Radio and Ashely from Chickhammer have been working away on the Of Dice and Men Podcast. As we go into our 9th show we’ve been having a think about the...